Field Investigator Training
The Field Investigator Training (FIT) session will provide instruction on a number of different topics of interest to Field Investigators. Learn how to use your Mind, Voice, and Tools in the field when responding to a reported UFO sighting. ...
FRIDAY TOUR: The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force
This year we will have a second opportunity to visit the facility! Tour the The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base ...
Special Friday Event
The Experiencers
Hosted by Earl Grey Anderson
Earl Grey Anderson, MUFON State Director of Southern California/executive member of The Experiencer Resource Team hosts a very special event - The Experiencers. Not to be missed! ...
Saturday Experiencer Workshop
Join us! Your Host will be Earl Anderson, MUFON State Section Director in Southern California. ...
Special Saturday Event
Project Aquarius
Deep Government Secrets Exposed? An in depth look at Project Aquarius - MUFON's Online Research Library; research compiled by many public and private sources gathered across decades, centuries, and even millennia! Some of these documents from these collections have never before been presented publicly! Are there deep government secrets exposed in any of them? Not to be missed! ...
Sunday Experiencer Workshop
Whether you are an Abductee or a Contactee this is an opportunity to share your experience in a comfortable, supportive environment. This session is limited to ET Contact Experiencers. ...
MONDAY TOUR: The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force
This year we will have a second opportunity to visit the facility! Tour the The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base ...